
Ville de Nice Ville de Nice
The Nice PICQUE school is supported by the Comité du doyen Jean Lepine de la ville de Nice
The university Côte d'Azur (UCA) gathers different actors (UNS, CNRS, INRIA, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur,...) of the Côte d'Azur in an excellence initiative.
With the help of the CNRS, the French community of Quantum Information is structured around a GDR whose objective is to provide knowledge-sharing support. IQFA, for "Ingénierie Quantique, des Aspects Fondamentaux aux Applications", is supported by the CNRS institutes of Physics (INP) and Engineering & System Sciences (INSIS). IQFA unites more than 50 french laboratories.
ANR project INQCA ANR project INQCA
The Nice PICQUE school is supported by the project "Integrated Quantum Circuit based on Waveguide Arrays" funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR).
European commission through the PICQUE project European commission through the PICQUE project
The international Training Program PICQUE, for "Photonic Integrated Compound Quantum Encoding", is an FP7 program supported by Marie Skodowska-Curie Actions.
University of Nice Sophia Antipolis University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
The PICQUE school will be hosted at the university of Nice Sophia Antipolis
Fédération Doëblin Fédération Doëblin
Fédération Doëblin du CNRS (FR2800)
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